How to fix – Blocked script execution because the document’s frame is sandboxed and the ‘allow-scripts’ permission is set

The error “Blocked script execution because the document’s frame is sandboxed and the ‘allow-scripts’ permission is set” indicates that the browser is preventing JavaScript execution in an <iframe> due to restrictions defined by the sandbox attribute. This attribute limits what an iframe can do for security reasons.

When the sandbox attribute is applied without additional permissions, it heavily restricts the iframe. The allow-scripts permission is meant to allow script execution in the iframe, but alone, it doesn’t provide permission for JavaScript to run if there are further restrictions like allow-same-origin.

Common Causes

  1. Missing allow-same-origin:
    • When allow-scripts is set without allow-same-origin, the iframe is treated as coming from a different origin, which can prevent scripts from running correctly. This is common if you are embedding content from the same domain but still need it to run scripts.
  2. Restrictive sandbox settings:
    • If other restrictions are applied within the sandbox attribute, they may prevent the iframe from accessing or running JavaScript properly.


To resolve this, try updating the iframe’s sandbox attribute to allow script execution more freely. For example:

<iframe src="your-url.html" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"></iframe>

This adds allow-same-origin alongside allow-scripts, enabling the iframe to run scripts as if it were from the same origin.

 Additional Tips

  • Use only the permissions you need to avoid over-permissioning. Allowing allow-scripts and allow-same-origin is usually sufficient if you control the iframe content.
  • Check browser console logs for more specific details about the restriction, as certain content security policies (CSP) or iframe embedding settings could also interfere.